
Showing posts from 2016

Ingestible robots, glasses-free 3-D, and computers that explain themselves

A look at 16 of the coolest things that happened at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 2016. Watch Video Rachel Gordon | CSAIL December 16, 2016 Press Inquiries Machines that predict the future, robots that patch wounds, and wireless emotion-detectors are just a few of the exciting projects that came out of MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) this year. Here’s a sampling of 16 highlights from 2016 that span the many computer science disciplines that make up CSAIL. Robots for exploring Mars — and your stomach A team led by CSAIL director Daniela Rus developed an ingestible origami robot that unfolds in the stomach to patch wounds and remove swallowed batteries. Researchers are working on NASA’s humanoid robot, “Valkyrie,” who will be programmed for trips into outer space and to autonomously perform tasks. A 3-D printed robot was made of both solids and liquids and printed in one single step, with no assembly required. Keepi

Finding the Cybersecurity Job You Want

Finding the Cybersecurity Job You Want The rapidly increasing popularity of cloud computing, smartphone technology, big data, and the Internet of Things has made cybersecurity more important than ever. There are thus many opportunities for finding jobs in the field. That is the focus of this month’s article, which features an interview with Hewlett Packard Enterprise research engineer Massimo Felici, who co-authored the article “What's New in the Economics of Cybersecurity” in IEEE Security & Privacy’s May/June 2016 issue. His research interests include supporting Information and Communication Technology (ICT) deployments, validating engineering methodologies and understanding technological complexities throughout development life cycles and in different application domains. ComputingEdge: What careers in computer technology and cybersecurity will see the most growth in the next several years? Felici: Among today’s main technological trends are cloud computing and containe

7 Startups In Healthcare Improving The System

7 Startups In Healthcare Improving The System According to TIME Magazine, the American healthcare system is the worst amongst the 11 wealthiest nations, and that’s even after relative improvements following the Affordable Care Act. However, there’s a silver lining amidst the surge of startups and small businesses, a sector which enjoyed a healthy boom following the 2009 Great Recession. Startups in healthcare have the ability to improve the system, and they’ve been doing so at an impressive clip. According to Mark Diamond, CMP at the Senior Education Counsel, “While the idea of self-funding your long-term care on an as-needed basis is admirable, you can’t necessarily guarantee that you will have enough. Life happens—and while we may not be able to plan for a lot of it, we can certainly try to cover ourselves in the event of something happening.” Take a look at these healthcare startups who are making big strides in improving the system: 1. Moxe Health: Healthcare data integration

How to Protect Your Website from Hackers

How to Protect Your Website from Hackers Hackers are rampant on the internet and it's not unusual for people to get have their websites destroyed because of an attack. While these cyber attacks are actually quite common, there are many ways to be able to protect oneself from hackers that roam around the internet. In order to protect your information from these hackers, you can make use of these tips to beef up your security of your website or your personal accounts. Get a proper web host The first step would be to get a good web host for your website. I know that sometimes it is actually tempting to get the cheaper and less well known web hosts but it will be more expensive in the future when your website gets attacked by some hackers. If you are a user of Wordpress, one the most recommended servers for you to use would of course be WP Engine since this is the most compatible and most secured enterprise solutions for Wordpress. With regard to the security of host, WPEngine aut

Finding the Healthcare Technology Job You Want

Finding the Healthcare Technology Job You Want For this issue of ComputingEdge, we asked Phillip A. Laplante—professor of software engineering and co-director of the Software Engineering Group at Pennsylvania State University—about career opportunities in healthcare technology. Laplante’s research interests include real-time and embedded systems, image processing, and artificial intelligence. He co-authored the article “The Internet of Things in Healthcare: Potential Applications and Challenges” in IT Professional’s May/June 2016 issue. ComputingEdge: What careers in healthcare technology will see the most growth in the next several years? Laplante: It’s no secret that healthcare careers often require certifications and licenses, and those who earn them will command the higher salaries and have the best career potential. Every healthcare career will require computer and technical proficiency, a trend that will only increase in the future. ComputingEdge: What advice would you give

Looking for Mr. Cloud: The Benioff Scale and SAP’s Cloud Leadership Conundrum

Looking for Mr. Cloud: The Benioff Scale and SAP’s Cloud Leadership Conundrum Cloud computing, the artist formerly known as SaaS, has always been a proving ground for dynamic leadership. The standard – brash, outspoken, ubiquitous, successful – was set once upon a time by Marc Benioff, and ever since it’s been easy to measure cloud leadership by what I call the Benioff Scale. On a Benioff Scale of 1-10, where 1 is Ginni (Ginni who?) Rometty of IBM, and 10 is Marc himself, measuring cloud leadership by how many Benioffs a particular leader generates is as good a method as any. Amazon’s Jeff Bezos clearly rates 10 Benioffs, and Microsoft’s Satya Nadella gets a 10 as well. Larry Ellison – how about if I pass on that one? Meg Whitman – 4 or 5 at best. Larry Page gets a 10, of course, though his enterprise cloud score would be much lower. Infor’s Charles Philips get an 8 for sincerity and vision, but the continued lack of customer momentum towards the cloud drives his overall score much

20 Content Marketing Tools to Improve Your Blogging Efforts

20 Content Marketing Tools to Improve Your Blogging Efforts 2017 will be a big year for content marketing, with brands focusing on better ways to reach a wide audience. Marketers have spent enough time honing their content marketing strategies over the past few years and they now look for more sophisticated ways to drive traffic. As brands prepare to step up their marketing games in 2017, it’s more important than ever that they have the right tools for the job. Here are 20 tools that will help you take your business blog to the next level in 2017. HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator If you try to generate consistent blog content, you may find ideas are the biggest challenge. HubSpot provides this Blog Topic Generator to help. Feedly Another way to come up with ideas is to keep an eye on what’s trending. Feedly gives you a regular helping of the latest news specific to your subject matter interests. WordPress Editorial Calendar Top content marketers use editorial calendars to plan a

IEEE Computer Society Predicts the Future of Tech for 2017 and Next Five Years!

IEEE Computer Society Predicts the Future of Tech for 2017 and Next Five Years! After grading itself on its 2016 vison, IEEE Computer Society has plunged into technology predictions for 2017 and for the next five years by 2022. Technology trends that will reach adoption in 2017: 1. Industrial IoT With many millions of IoT sensors deployed in dozens of industrial strength real-world applications, this is one of the largest and most impactful arenas for big data analytics in 2017. 2. Self-driving Cars In Silicon Valley, one can easily see up to three self-driving cars on the same street. While adoption is less likely in general use, the broader adoption will likely occur in constrained environments such as airports and factories. 3. Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cognitive Computing These overlapping areas are a fundamental requirement for big data analytics and for other areas of control and management. Machine learning, and deep learning in particular

Analyst Perspectives Weekly Scan

Analyst Perspectives Weekly Scan This issue of AnalystPerspectives Weekly Scan covers analyst commentary from the week ending December 09, 2016. Many analysts continue to discuss the busy holiday shopping season. Here are a few of those highlights found in the Retail section: Consumers are Paying the Price for Toys this Holiday | The NPD Group - Thu, 08 Dec 2016 |Juli Lennett Chaos & Technology | The NPD Group - Thu, 08 Dec 2016 |John Buffone Santa’s Little Chatbot Helpers | Opus Research - Wed, 07 Dec 2016 |Amy Stapleton It’s Time to Change Again | The NPD Group - Wed, 07 Dec 2016 |Stephen Baker What Marketers Can Learn About Customer Experience From Santa Claus | Gartner for Marketers - Thu, 08 Dec 2016 |Augie Ray Alexa, What Should My Intelligent Agents Strategy Look Like? | Forrester - Fri, 09 Dec 2016 |Jennifer Wise 4 charts that explain email marketing during the holidays | Experian - Mon, 05 Dec 2016 |Liz McLemore Amazon made several headlines this week. You can read

How Technology Is Improving Campus Security

How Technology Is Improving Campus Security College campuses aren’t inherently more dangerous than other areas of the country, but with so many young people packed in one place, security is a natural concern. Campus shootings and attacks, rape culture, and other high-profile incidents are putting a spotlight on the importance of campus security, and colleges across the country are looking to new forms of technology to help address student and parent worries. So how are colleges pushing the limits of what can be accomplished with security technology? Technological Breakthroughs These are some of the most important—and effective ways—colleges are taking action: 1. Emergency communication protocols. Not all crimes can be prevented. In the event of a violent attack or a natural disaster, communication is key to keeping as many people as safe as possible, and with smartphones in almost every student’s pocket, there are more ways than ever to spread that information. Colleges tod

New HSA Academic Centers of Excellence Undertake Research and Development of HSA-Compliant Technologies

New HSA Academic Centers of Excellence Undertake Research and Development of HSA-Compliant Technologies The Heterogeneous System Architecture (HSA) Foundation recently added two new HSA Academic Centers of Excellence - Technische Universitaet (TU) Darmstadt, and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), both in Germany. As mentioned in previous HSA Connections posts, HSA is a standardized platform design that unlocks the performance and power efficiency of the parallel computing engines found in most modern electronic devices. It allows developers to easily and efficiently apply the hardware resources—including CPUs, GPUs, DSPs, FPGAs, fabrics and fixed function accelerators—in today’s complex systems-on-chip (SoCs). The research these universities are undertaking around HSA could potentially have significant impact for large-scale commercial use, particularly in the data center. The Embedded Systems and Applications Group (ESA) of TU Darmstadt, for instance, is work

IEEE Computer Society Celebrates 70th Anniversary While President Roger Fujii Shares How Tech Research and Standards Shape Innovation

IEEE Computer Society Celebrates 70th Anniversary While President Roger Fujii Shares How Tech Research and Standards Shape Innovation With standards governing everything from nuclear weapons software to wifi networks, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE CS) bring a unique blend of computing and engineering expertise to developing the standards governing the advancement of technology. The society boasts roughly 60,000 members and encompasses all aspects of theory, design, practice, and applications of computer science, technology, and information processing. IEEE Computer Society President Roger Fujii shared his IEEE membership experiences and how the networking and educational opportunities provide an invaluable resource to both established professionals and budding tech enthusiasts. From air traffic control to radiation treatments, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and their Computer Society

All email should be encrypted

All email should be encrypted By Drew Hendricks Dark Web, Deep Web, Deepnet, Invisible Web, Hidden Web, Dark Internet. What’s the average computer user to know? You can start by understanding there are dark places and dark minds out there, criminals who would hack into your internet devices and steal or corrupt your information. It’s why all email should be encrypted. But, who’s after little old you? Mike G., a business systems sales rep for Dell, explained that the average Jack and Jill computer users do not have a lot to worry about if they use their home PC and modem – until they venture away from the threads sheltered by their firewall, malware, and other security systems. He pointed out, however, that while the criminal forces may not target you specifically, they constantly attack all the systems that you think are protecting you. You have, for example, seen cyberthieves invade your privacy, not by attacking your computer, but by going after Target, Bank of America, or other